Grant Accountability and Transparency Act
The Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA), 30 ILCS 708/1 et seq., is landmark legislation that will increase accountability and transparency in the use of grant funds while reducing the administrative burden on both State agencies and grantees through adoption of the federal grant guidance and regulations codified at 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Requirements). Pursuant to the Act, the Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit (GATU) has been established in the Governor's Office of Management and Budget. GATU is charged with implementation of the Act in coordination with State grant-making agencies and grantees. The following links provide a direct connection to:
Illinois Compiled Statutes that established GATA
Illinois Administrative Rules for GATA
Uniform Requirements in 2 CFR 200 in 2 CFR 200
Please see our annual report for more information:
Audit Report Review Management System (ARRMS)
The GATA Audit Requirements are based on the federal audit requirements codified at 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Requirements).
Please go to the Audit page also linked in the top menu bar for resources regarding the GATA audit requirements and the centralized system for the audit report review - Audit Report Review Management System (ARRMS).
Catalog of State Financial Assistance
The CSFA is required to provide a single, authoritative, statewide, comprehensive source of financial assistance program information. State agencies have populated the CSFA with federal, federal pass-through and state awards received. The CSFA also records grantee awards under each CSFA number.
The public can search the CSFA for agencies with active grant programs, currently funded grants, current funding opportunities, and registered grantees. You can access the public-facing CSFA with this CSFA link or by using the CSFA tab in the menu above.
Centralized Indirect Cost Rate System (ICRS)
The Governor's Office of Management and Budget has centralized the indirect cost rate election process. The Grant Accountability and Transparency Unit received permission from the Federal Government to centralize the negotiation of the indirect cost rate to allow a grantee/subrecipient to negotiate one rate with the State of Illinois.
The Centralized Indirect Cost Rate System webpage can be found under the Grantee Links tab. The highlighted link will direct you to the webpage.
Grantees access GATA systems after registration through the Grantee Portal.
The State of Illinois is implementing a new statewide lifecycle grant management system building on the GATA frameworks. The system is accessed through the Grantee Portal.
Please use the Grantee Links tab to find supports and frequently asked questions. Refer to the Training tab for general training and resources.
The Catalog of State Financial Assistance contains information on state grants. You can subscribe to a weekly email distribution with Notice of Funding Opportunities by sending a blank (Subject and Body) email to .
Grantees may contact the GATA unit (GATU) or their state granting agency with questions regarding registration.
Grant Management System
The Grant Management System is a comprehensive system for grant management used by both State Agencies and Grantees. Once fully implemented, entities will apply for grants through the GMS. State agencies will administer grants and grant awards through GMS as well.